The Registry Of Ex-Military Land-Rovers Au, NZ, etc Australian Army Land-Rovers in South Vietnam

Presented here are photos of Australian Army Series 2A Land-Rovers 'in-service'... The idea of these photos is to save you LOTS of time trawling over the web to find photos which are (sometimes) worth a thousand words.

Photo collection... arranged by year where possible.

[ Vietwar pix 01 ]

[ Vietwar pix 02 ]

[ Vietwar pix 03 ]

[ Vietwar pix 04 ]

[ Vietwar pix 05 ]

[ Vietwar pix 06 ]

[ Vietwar pix 07 ]

[ Vietwar pix 08 ]

[ Vietwar pix 09 ]

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[ Vietwar pix 11 ]

[ Vietwar pix 12 ]

[ Vietwar pix 13 ]

[ Vietwar pix 14 ]

[ Vietwar pix 15 ]

[ Vietwar pix 16 ]

[ Vietwar pix 17 ]

[ Vietwar pix 18 ]

[ Vietwar pix 19 ]

[ Vietwar pix 20 ]

[ Vietwar pix Sigs ]



More Vietwar pix online archives:

[ Vietnam Vets Museum website ] [ 103 Sigs website ] [ 104 Sigs website ]



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