The Registry Of Ex-Military Land-Rovers Au, NZ, etc BB's Land-Rover Series 2A ¾ Ton GS
Welcome to "Brian's Shed".

Brian has collected a number of Australian ex-Army" Land-Rovers, an ex-Army Workshop trailer and an ex-Army Champ. Here are just a couple of Brian's vehicles.

Each of Brian's ex-Australian Army Land-Rovers has it's own photo page:

  1. The G.S. -a ¾ ton 109" G.S.
  2. The Ambulance -a ¾ ton 109" bloodbox

Number 1: The GS (1967)

Brian's GS is still reliable after 33 years. It has to be - he lives in the goldfields of WA, where destinations are a long way apart. Recently, in January 2001, his faith in his '67 GS was tested: read the following careful like. Brian was a long way from the goldfields towing his w'shop trailer, which was full of "stuff". He helped out a mate whose Ford Bronco was brokendown: the GS towed it and the w'shop trailer home in the summer heat, in WA. How far? 350 klicks! Yes, tick the box, this is one tough old Land-Rover...

Make Land-Rover (Rover Australia P/L) Model LWB 109" Series 2A
Manuf. date July 1967 Production CKD RHD export
Army Census 6028 Engine Petrol 2286cc
Nomenclature TRUCK, UTILITY, ¾ TON G.S.
Contract number C104345
Chassis 25320839C ARN 114-352
Series 2A GS 109 1967 and Workshop trailer

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Series 2A GS 109 1967 West Australia


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